Want my "30 Ways to Earn Extra Cash as a Teacher" Checklist?

Have you been trying to save up for your house deposit (probably the reason you moved abroad in the first place) by budgeting and staying in some weekends, but still haven't managed to save as much as you would like?
If you've answered yes, then it sounds like you may need to start increasing your earnings and income, so I've included my top 30  tips in this checklist to help you start earning extra cash as a teacher!

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Lovely to meet you - my name is Sorcha

My name is Sorcha and I've taught in Qatar and Dubai for 10+ years. While teaching in Qatar, I saved my first six figures, which I used to buy my home in Ireland and complete my Masters at King's College London. In Dubai, I saved my second six figure amount, which I used to buy an apartment in Spain, start a profitable investment portfolio and complete my ILM Level 7 Executive Coaching & Mentoring Qualification.

In October 2021, I left teaching and became a Certified Professional Résumé Writer and a Teacher Career & Money Strategist.

As the founder of Empowering Expat Teachers in 2017, I have helped 100s of teachers find great teaching jobs in Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Qatar, Oman, Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia, Singapore, etc.

Follow me on IG @sorchacoyle_eet for daily international job hunting, CV and saving money tips and weekly mini-trainings!

Lovely to meet you!